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Idols Of The Heart

In Old Testament times, idolatry was easy to recognize—dancing around the golden calves, bowing before the Baals. Even when the apostle Paul wrote to followers of Christ in first-century Corinth, pagan idolatry was openly practiced. He warned them to avoid any association with it (1 Corinthians 10:14).


Pastor and evangelist E. V. Hill went home to be with his Lord and Savior on February 25, 2003. He was much sought after as a conference speaker, and few have gained the attention and respect of people from all levels of society as he did.

Golden Gods

God had seized the attention of Pharaoh and the Egyptians with a series of plagues. Now they were dying to be rid of their Hebrew slaves. But God didn't want the Israelites to leave Egypt empty-handed. After all, they had 400 years of wages due them. So they asked their former masters for articles of silver, gold, and clothing, and they got them. Exodus 12:36 says that the Israelites "plundered the Egyptians."